Intelligent Factory Empowers PPE Industry to Drive Towards a “Green”Future Jun 25, 2024

01 Background introduction

As a leading company in the field of functional security gloves, the customer is also a leading company with comprehensive advantages in the global safety protection field. Its business areas cover the research and development, production and sales of raw yarns, hand protection products and full-body special protection products.

The customer is far-sighted in laying out the "intelligent transformation" strategy, and has put into operation a new intelligent industrial park based on the intelligent upgrading of the original intelligent factories and production lines. It plans to upgrade again and further enhance the intelligence level of the future factory, realizing the transition from the automation stage to the moving forward in the direction of digitalization, informatization and intelligence. The customer is committed to realizing the intelligent manufacturing goal of the "dark factory", by which time production capacity will be effectively released to meet greater market demand, while at the same time promoting the construction of low-carbon, smart, green parks and creating a green ecological industrial park.

02 Solutions and implementation effects

The Yufeng intelligent AS/RS stacker crane automzted warehouse system maximizes the utilization of space, seamlessly connects the logistics system and the production system, breaks the information silo, and is equipped with a loop multi-vehicle RGV conveyor system to realize storage of raw materials, finished products and intelligent workshop supply. In terms of software, customized services are used to connect with the client's DCS system. In terms of information construction, the persistent connection method is used to perfectly realize the information interaction between the underlying sensing system and the upper central system.

The entire intelligent logistics system can quickly respond to the customer's logistics supply and meet its annual production capacity and storage needs of 72 million dozen functional safety protective gloves. The intelligent factory built based on the operating increment over the years and future industry increment data can meet the continuous application of enterprises in the future growth stage.

Space utilization

Yufeng Intelligent makes full use of the existing space in the warehouse, and is inspired by international traffic road design. It adopts designs such as upper and lower layering and cross-layering in the XY direction to maximize the use of vertical space. With the intelligent automzted warehouse system as the core, it has successfully created tens of thousands of storage spaces completely get rid of the constraints of compact space and meet the storage requirements of raw materials and finished products.

Warehousing + production line smart interconnection

In order to respond to the needs of the production line in a timely manner, each production line can be seamlessly connected with the intelligent automated warehouse, connecting the logistics system with the production line, of effective closed loop, and implementing production automation and digital management into actual production.

Efficient collaborative work

The raw material warehouse area needs to supply the production line of the entire intelligent industrial park, with the outbound volume reaching 500 pallets/hour. The stacker crane cooperates with multiple vehicles on one track and multiple types of AMR robots to achieve efficient collaborative operations in multiple factory areas and across floors, freeing up the back-end logistics area on the line, reducing the occupation of aisles and cache space, and providing a more generous production environment for the production line to facilitate expansion.

Device Configuration.

Double-layer loop RGV technology

This project adopts double-layer multi-vehicle loop RGV technology, and uses loop RGVs to shuttle between different floors to achieve rapid access to goods. The core challenges of this technology are mainly concentrated in the multi-vehicle dispatching process, which puts forward strict requirements and tests on business logic, task splitting and resource allocation strategies.

Go all out to achieve high quality

In order to ensure that the project was put into use before the opening ceremony and trial operation time set by the customer group, the company provided maximum support in terms of personnel arrangement, equipment configuration and technical aspects during the implementation of the project, and it took less than two months to complete the installation of all equipment. Installation and debugging. In order to shorten the debugging cycle and realize joint debugging of equipment, a large number of distance algorithm matrix are used. The reliability of this technology has been strongly demonstrated during the debugging and trial production processes.

Flexibility and scalability

The system design is flexible and can be quickly adjusted and optimized according to actual needs. It can adapt to warehousing scenarios of different sizes and needs, providing strong support for the future development of the enterprise.

With the continuous improvement of digital and intelligent technology, building a "dark factory" and achieving green, low-carbon and sustainable development will become an important guarantee for the security protection industry to create a new quality productivity. The overall solution of Yufeng Intelligent Logistics System can help enterprises build intelligent factories and digital intelligent transformation and upgrade, and continue to contribute to the high-quality development of the security protection industry!

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